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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Real writing jobs

real writing jobs!
R.D.K holdings S.A
Hi all,

I'm looking for someone to assist me with editing a book that I wrote on marketing. It runs to 90,000 words.

It was initially targeted at Opticians/optometrists, so reference is made to that particular business throughout.

However, marketing varies little among businesses: what works for an optometrist will work equally well for almost any other business, both online and on Main Street.

So I want to produce, using chapters from the book, a shorter publication, one that will target specific business types, such as hairdressers, car repair shops, clothing stores, gift shop, and online traders too.

The initial book will run to a prologue, (already written) followed by just seven chapters, each one a specific marketing strategy. 

The entire book will probably be about 10,000 words.

So here's the job: I want somebody who can do TWO specific tasks.

The first will be to extract relevant passages from my existing book and tailor them to suit a target business. (Let's start w...

real writing jobs!

Real traslater jobs

Welcome to the Writing telecommuting, part-time, and flexible jobs page! Do you enjoy expressing yourself through the written word? Then you may be looking for a career as an online Writer. Writers produce a wide variety of written materials delivered to an audience in a number of ways. Writers develop content using several multimedia formats for readers, listeners, or viewers. Although many people write as part of their primary job, Writers perform this function primarily on websites, community forums and blogs. Writers fall into two main categories-writers (authors) and technical writers. Most writers and editors have at least a basic familiarity with technology, such as personal computers and the Internet. Writing professionals are sometimes referred to as Copywriter, Content Manager, Editor, Blogger, Reporter, Columnist, and News Writer or Journalist. If you are seeking a writing opportunity, whether contract, freelance, part-time or full-time, please be sure to browse through the leads here.

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Monday, February 16, 2015

Health is heart of life

Eyelash Extension Glue - Dramatic Beauty Exposed

Today we have it a lot easier than our mothers and grandmothers had it. If we feel that Mother Nature hasn't given us just the right physical features we want, we can add them ourselves, kind of an aftermarket so to speak. If you're not happy with your eyelashes you can add extensions, however, you will need to find the best eyelash extension glue available to hold those extensions in place. 

The first thing you will need to do is to decide if you're going to opt for the whole strip of lashes or just add a few lashes individually. The type of glue you use will differ accordingly. 

Eyelash extension glue generally comes in two colors, clear or black. Obviously, you will get a very different look from one to the other. If you opt for the transparent glue, no one will see it which of course makes it a much more subtle look. Using transparent glue will allow the lashes to look more natural and more like they are your own lashes.

If you're more of a dramatic woman, or you want to add some pizzazz to a costume, you might want to use the black glue. This can really make a bold statement since the glue will keep it's dark hues even after it's dried. It can look almost like eye shadow. When using the black adhesive, you have to be careful since it can smudge pretty easily. The black glue usually looks best with darker lashes such as brown or black.

The makeup of the eyelash glue is another thing to keep in mind. You certainly don't want a lot of harsh chemicals near your eyes. Look for glues that are all natural. One of the best types of natural eyelash glue is made up of oak latex.

This adhesive will work very well at holding your lashes in place, but when you're ready to remove them all you have to do is gently pull off the lashes while counting out five seconds. Then, just allow the glue to dissolve by rubbing warm water on your eyelids. Since you can get the glue off with just a little puling and some warm water you won't need makeup remover which means there is one less chemical that you will need to put on your face.

This natural glue is not only better for your eyes, it's also better for your lashes. You don't want to spend a lot of money on lashes just to ruin them with the wrong adhesive.

If you have short, thin or hard to see lashes, you don't need to settle. You can add extensions to make your eyes appear bigger and more luminous. In order to hold those extensions in place, you have a lot of options.

Actually, who knew there were so many options when it came to eyelash extension glue? Just read over the information above so you can choose the best glue for you and the look you are going for. Whether you want bold and brazen, or you're going for a more natural look, you can find the right glue for you.

Health best life best

Eyebrow Growth - Tips For Fast Eyeborw Growth

Our bodies are pretty amazing, features we view as only ornamental actually have their own special 'job'. Eyebrows are no different, they are located over our eyes to keep sweat from running down into our eyes. They can also enhance the overall beauty of your face. If you don't have the eyebrows you really want, there are some simple things you can do to stimulate eyebrow growth.

Most of these methods have been around for a long time. They require simple to find, natural products and you can do them overnight when you sleep. 

1. First things first, remember to keep your body healthy if you want anything to grow. What happens on the inside of your body is reflected on the outside of your body. If your hair isn't growing, your nails are weak or your skin is dry that's almost always a sign that your body isn't getting all the nutrients or hydration it needs. 

To keep your body in balance eat a good variety of healthy foods. Stay away from junk food and greasy foods. Make sure you drink plenty of water every day, and no - soda doesn't count. Get plenty of sleep and just to be on the safe side, take a multi-vitamin every day.

2. Gently rub castor oil into your eyebrows every night before you go to bed. This will encourage eyebrow growth because it lubricates and softens the skin which encourages hair growth. 

3. When you were a kid, did someone tell you to brush your hair 100 times to make it grow faster? Well, if so, they were right. You can do the same thing with your eyebrows. Brush them for at least 2 minutes at a time with an eyebrow brush. Do this twice every day and you will get your eyebrows growing more quickly. Do remember to keep your eyebrow brush clean.

4. I've already talked about taking a multi vitamin daily, in addition to that you can target some other vitamins that will encourage hair growth.  Taking vitamins A, C and E will help even more. Just make sure to check the vitamins in your multi vitamin, you don't want to get too high a dose of these vitamins and they may already be included in your multi vitamin.

5. Combining the natural herbs of fenugreek, aloe vera and onion juice into a paste and applying it directly to your eyebrows overnight will stimulate hair growth. Just take one fenugreek capsule, open it up and mix the seeds with several drops of aloe and the onion juice. You want a fairly thick paste like consistency so don't add too much liquid.  

One of the neat things I like best about using all natural remedies is that they often pay dividends in several ways. If you're looking for a natural way to stimulate eyebrow growth by following these tips above not only will you do that but you can also get an overall healthier body which is just that much better for you and your eyebrows.

Health is money

Do Eyelashes Grow Back - Good Health Prevails

While most of us think of eyelashes as only another feature that can draw attention and add beauty to our eyes, they actually serve a very important purpose, they protect our eyes from dust, sweat and other foreign materials. If you have some accident or medical issue and you've lost your eyelashes, you are probably wondering: do eyelashes grow back?

Eyelashes, just like all the other hair on your body, do have their own unique life stages. They will grow, fall off and more will be regrown.  They do shed and break off in between the growth cycles but if you maintain good overall hygiene, you can keep that to a minimum. 

There is a name for each unique phase: anagen, catagen, and the telogen.  The anagen phase is when your eyelashes grow. This phase will last almost two months, about 7 weeks. At any given time you'll have about 1/3 of your eyelashes in this growing phase. 

The catagen phase is the phase when the growth is on hold for about 3 weeks. And last, but not least, the telogen phase. This is the phase when your lashes will fall out. 

Obviously, since under normal circumstances you never lose all your lashes at the same time, the answer to the question: 'do eyelashes grow back' would be 'yes'.  You will have some eyelashes in each of these three stages at all times.

The growth rate will vary from person to person. One of the best things you can do to increase your own growth rate is to avoid those things which are bad for you. Cut back on alcohol intake, stop smoking, eat plenty of nutritious foods and drink plenty of water. By keeping your body healthy on the inside, you can increase the growth of your eyelashes on the outside.   

Of course, if you have suffered some sort of trauma or damage to your face or you are under enormous stress or other conditions that threaten your health, this normal growth stage can slow down or even stop. Eyelashes are hair and just like the hair on your head, if you apply harsh chemicals too often that can have a negative impact on the growth. This can usually be reversed with a little time and TLC.

If you find you are not regrowing your eyelashes you should take a trip to your doctor. This lack of growth is very likely a sign of some underlying health issue. That doesn't necessarily have to be serious, but it should be taken care of, and not just for the sake of your eyelashes. 

More often than not, you can simply take some vitamins, eat better, get enough sleep and cut back on some of the garbage you put in your body and you will see an increase in growth.

So, do eyelashes grow back? Yes they do, but only if your body is healthy enough to do it's job properly. And don't forget, just like the hair on your head gets damaged with too much styling, the same can hold true for your eyelashes. If you're good to your eyelashes, your eyelashes will be good to you.

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Cold Sores Remedies - You Can Get It Well

If you get cold sores remedies are available over the counter to help relieve the pain and help heal them. The best thing you can do for yourself if you get cold sores frequently is to keep them moist with an ointment you can get at any pharmacy location. Do not try to use any kind of waxy stick to keep them moist. You will just do more harm than good because the hard wax will catch and pull on your lips and rip open the cold sores. Cold sores are painful enough, they do not need any help in the hurt department.

Cold sores are sometimes called fever blisters and are characterized by the small clusters of blisters that form on your lips and on the skin around the outside of your mouth. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus 1 or 2. They can cause incredible pain and be very embarrassing especially if you get them often.

If you do happen to get frequent cold sores remedies are available from your doctor. You should consider seeing your doctor if the cold sores you get cause severe pain, a sore throat, swollen lymph glands, or a fever. Your doctor can treat cold sores with an antiviral medication that will decrease the severity and frequency of the cold sores you get. If you get lucky you may not have an outbreak for a year or even two. 

Although the herpes simplex virus has no cure, the symptoms associated with the cold sores caused by the virus can be controlled with the right treatment from your doctor.

To prevent outbreaks from happening in the first place try to steer clear of stressful situations. Stress can and will trigger cold sores to form. Excessive exposure to sunlight can trigger cold sores also. So, make sure to use a sunscreen when you will be out in the sun for a long periods of time. Sometimes it seems as if just thinking about them can trigger them and that is the worst of all, basically getting them for no reason.      

If you have a cold sore do what you can to not transfer the virus to anyone else. Wash your hands frequently and do not touch your mouth. You will infect anything you touch after touching your mouth so be very careful. Do not share eating utensils, cups, or any other item you have used with another person or you will pass on the virus to them.

Other triggers include getting a cold or flu. Sometimes you will get a cold sore instead of a cold or the flu which to some, may be a blessing in disguise. I would much rather have to deal with getting a cold sore rather than dealing with a cold or the flu.

There are several remedies on the market and you should try them to see which ones work best for you. Some may work to help heal the cold sores a little sooner and some may just relieve the pain better than others. Mostly you just need to manage the symptoms with the over the counter cold sores remedies that are available.

Health is all life

Causes Of Female Hair Loss - Hair Loss Tips

You are concerned because you recently have noticed that you are losing hair and are very interested in what the causes of female hair loss are. There are several causes, any one of which can be responsible for you losing your hair.

Anyone at any age can start to lose their hair. Some of the causes are stress, anxiety, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, hormone fluctuations, disease process, familial tendencies smoking, and excess alcohol consumption.

Stress and anxiety, while seemingly uncontrollable, can be controlled and lessened by learning techniques to reduce the amount of stress and anxiety in your life. Making time for yourself and planning simple things like manicures, pedicures and full body massages every month, or more frequently if needed, will go a long way to reducing the amount of stress you have to deal with on a day to day basis.

Make sure that you eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to get the vitamins and minerals you need every day. If you are worried that you may not be getting the vitamins and minerals you need daily then my advice is to speak with your doctor, the next time you go in, to see what they recommend as a good vitamin supplement.

Hormone fluctuations, mainly menopause, is one of the most common causes of female hair loss. Menopause causes so many other symptoms that initially you may not even notice the hair loss because you are so caught up with the hot flashes, mood swings, nausea, headaches and insomnia that you are not sure which end is up most of the time. Then you begin to notice that your hair brush has more hair in it after you use it. Not that this means that it is too late to do anything about the hair loss by any means. You can still find treatment for the hair loss by talking to your doctor.

Smoking cigarettes and drinking too much alcohol can contribute to hair loss because they can deplete your system of important vitamins and minerals not to mention the fact that cigarettes inhibit blood flow to areas of the body like hands, feet, lower legs and scalp. If blood flow is restricted then those areas become starved for nutrients and become unhealthy. Once the hair follicles become unhealthy, they may not recover and then die. When the follicles die they cannot hold the hair anymore and the hair falls out.

If you have a condition called low thyroid function, or hypothyroidism, it can be another cause of hair loss, especially in women. Your doctor can order a blood test that will tell you if you have hypothyroidism and can prescribe medication to increase thyroid function.

You may just have a familial tendency toward female pattern baldness and there may be very little you can do about it if you do. Again, see your doctor.

As we have already stated, causes of female hair loss are numerous, all of which can be eliminated or lessened with treatment or medications prescribed by your doctor. Talk to your doctor to find out what type of treatment is best for you. 

Health tips

Canker Sore Vs Cold Sore - Inside Or Outside

Canker sore vs Cold sore, what is the difference?  Well, to start a cold sore, also called a fever blister, is caused by the herpes simplex virus. Over half of the population has this virus in their system (this isn't the same virus as the one that causes genital herpes). This virus can stay dormant the majority of the time. Often times it will flare up and lead to a cold sore in times where your immune system is compromised such as during times of extreme stress or when you are fighting off other sicknesses.

Cold sores usually form on the outside of the mouth. An outbreak will last around 2 weeks in most cases, though there are some things that can be done to shorten the time length.  Cold sores are extremely contagious so you have to be very careful not to come into contact with anyone else while you have an outbreak.  

No kissing, no sharing of eating utensils, toothbrushes, toothpaste, wash clothes, towels, razors, etc. Make sure you wash your hands frequently and don't forget you can pass it on to yourself as well. You can cause other outbreaks by touching the cold sore and then rubbing our eyes, for example.

Using supplements as well as some herbal remedies can help either prevent an outbreak or at least help it heal more quickly. Tea tree oil, L-lysine, lemon balms, are just a few of the things that people have reported have helped them avoid, or at least shorten, an outbreak.  

A canker sore, on the other hand, is a painful sore that usually occurs inside the mouth and cheek. These open sores are very painful and will start off as a small 'pimple' then form into a blister. These sores are not caused by a virus, like cold sores are, but rather from bacteria - this is the main distinction when it comes to canker sore vs cold sore. 

A canker sore will take about 14 days to heal also. These sores will often leave a scar, though since it's on the inside of your mouth it's not like it's going to be disfiguring. Most people will get canker sores during their pre teen and teenage years. The frequency will vary greatly from one person to the next. some people may be plagued by them virtually one right after another, while others may only get one a year. all of this will depend on your personal habits as well as your immune system. Some people just seem to be more susceptible to some things than others.

Another significant difference between canker sores and cold sores is that canker sores aren't contagious and cold sores are extremely contagious. You don't have to take any special precautions while you have a canker sore to not pass them on to to others like you would with a cold sore. 

Sometimes, frequent canker sore outbreaks can be a sign of some more serious underlying conditions so if you get them frequently you may want to talk to your doctor. Now that you know the difference between canker sore vs cold sore, you'll have a better idea of just which of these nasty little things is making you suffer the next time around.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Best health blog in world do like it and share it

Mater Cleanse Weight loss-Rinse away body fat

Master Cleanse Weight Loss - Rinse Away Body Fat Master cleanse weight loss has been touted  the internet as the best means to lose a lot of fat and toxins quickly and easily.  However how do you do it and will it really work? Well, in line with thousands of people who've done it the solution is yes, it will work, and quite well too. Not only will this diet enable you a quick weight loss of up to twenty lbs., but it will also, and maybe...

Mater Cleanse Results -Straightforward and easy

Master Cleanse Results - Straightforward And Easy It could seem unbelievable that one thing as straightforward and simple as a lemonade mixture can facilitate your achieve such amazing results, however it does.  A ton of people who use this mixture can actually see master cleanse leads to  a few days.  Not solely can you get nice weight loss, however you'll detoxify and purify your body which may be a nice further bonus.  It's...

Mater Cleanse Lemonade Recipe-Losing Body Fat

Master Cleanse Lemonade Recipe - Losing Body Fat The master cleanse diet has been around for years and thousands, perhaps additional, people all around the globe proclaim it a winner when it comes to losing excess body fat and detoxifying your body.  If you wish to provide it a try for yourself you'll want to understand what the master cleanse lemonade recipe is and how to form it. The basic recipe is quite easy, it consists of fresh lemon...

Mater Cleanse Lemonade Recipe-losing body fat

Master Cleanse Lemonade Recipe - Losing Body Fat The master cleanse diet has been around for years and thousands, perhaps additional, people all around the globe proclaim it a winner when it comes to losing excess body fat and detoxifying your body.  If you wish to provide it a try for yourself you'll want to understand what the master cleanse lemonade recipe is and how to form it. The basic recipe is quite easy, it consists of fresh lemon...

Master Cleanse Journal-Weight loss success motivator

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Master Cleanse Ingredients-Losing Unwanted Body Fat

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